One thing I will never understand in the apparent quarrels, and even fears, that some gay people have at the ideas of anything "hetero-normative"; basically, conventions or other standards and ideals that are upheld in a generally 'straight' community.
I don't think it's a bad thing that the general community has these 'straight' values; after all, they are a majority in the people.
But also, I think it's kind of narrow-minded to think of these values as inherently straight at all.
Especially from a group of people who seemingly want equality and tolerance among the broad scope of sexual orientation.
There's no denying that there is a rich and complex variety of colourful people in the gay community.
You've got drag queens, leather daddies, dykes on bikes, lipstick lesbians, underage twinks, fetish guys with more piercings than you can shake a dick at; huge variety of people who lead crazy lifestyles that deviate substantially from the perceived 'norm'.
However, it would be a mistake to think that the ability to lead such potentially wild and hedonistic lifestyles stem from the fact that they are queer-identifiying.
There are just as many straight people who have fucked up lives full of extraordinary events that don't commonly happen in everyday life.
I had a guy say to me once: "Don't be all normal and boring, like the hetero's".
At the time I laughed and shook the comment off, but the more I think about it, the more infuriating it becomes.
The notion that all hetero's are "boring and conventional" is almost as stupid and narrow-minded as the idea that all gay people are crazy sex freaks who are incapable of leading lives with any degree or 'normality'.
Because for some people, there's nothing that special about being gay; it's a minor facet of the bigger picture, and they don't put much emphasis on it.
Although normality is such a subjective term that that argument almost means next to nothing.
I'm all for recognising differences, but they're not the things that we should be focusing on.
This process of Othering between sexual orientation does nothing for any equality movements.
I'm proud to be gay, and I do have some pretty crazy fucked up life experiences.
Some of them happened as a direct result of my homosexuality, but that doesn't mean I don't a crave a little bit of conventional normality every now and then too.
And any gay person who thinks that their purpose in life is to be the antithesis of heterosexuality seriously needs to re-evaluate their priorities.