Friday, May 21, 2010


Last night, whilst tucking into my KFC, I received an anonymous phone call.
I thought it might be a job of some sort calling, so I didn't think twice before answering.
The following conversation ensued...

Me: "Hello?"
Caller: ...
Me: "Hello?"
Caller: "... Is this Robert?"
Me: "Yes."
Caller: "... You're a faggot."
Me: "Um... yeah, cool?"
Caller: "No, it's not cool. There's something wrong with you."
I tried to think of something witty to come back with, but I decided there wasn't much point and I couldn't be bothered, so I just hung up.

Okay, so God knows I've had my fair share of gay rants.
I have no idea who the caller was; it was a man with a heavy Mediterranean accent, but it was no one person whose voice I could recognise.
I just don't understand what calling me up and reminding that I'm gay would achieve, for anyone.
No doubt he had a bunch of other dim witted remarks up his sleeve, but that's beside the point.

It's really sad that in this day and age there are guys out there who have to reaffirm their masculinity by randomly harassing homosexuals.
It's taken me a little while, but I am completely comfortable with who I am, and who I have sex with, and frankly couldn't give a damn if somebody out there, or anybody for that matter, thinks it's "unnatural".
It's rude and utterly naive to deny someone of a way of life purely because it's not in complete alignment with your own life or your own beliefs.
Homophobia is slowing becoming a characteristic of the minority, thankfully, but it doesn't discount the fact that there still is that minority.
Being homosexual, I know what it's like to be part of a minority, and have your values challenged.
But our values are based on love.
Their values are based on hate.
We seek peace and co-operation in a civil society.
They want to destroy us.

And he thinks there's something wrong with me?

"oh, but one day you'll understand
a girl on your arm won't make you a man" - Bayside

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