What's worse is that I typically don't think about anything too productive.
If I put as much energy into thinking up a cure for world poverty as I do into deliberating pointless topics and scenarios that don't even affect me... well, we would be living in a land of plenty, to say the least.
The worst of all is that most of the time, I'm completely lacking of an original thought.
Sometimes it's as though my entire stream of consciousness is just a plagiaristic re-hash of my daily intake of mass media.
Even when I try to buck the trend and deviate from mainstream opinion, I find I'm just extending further someone else's left-wing argument.
Conforming to non-conformity, if you will.
This discovering is disappointing - to say the least.
It would appear to me that when making an argument, rationality tends to escape me.
I am a very passionate person. Whether I choose vivid or subtle means of expressing it, I find I'm always plagued with some excess of emotion.
And the thing I love about emotion is that no one can tell you that it's wrong.
Despite all concepts of rational thought, I don't believe anyone can ever tell you the correct way to 'feel'.
Hence, having such passionate and personal justification to an argument would render it unfalsifiable.
Which leaves you at an epistemological dead end; a stalemate.
I'm not afraid of being wrong; in fact, I've come to expect that most of the time.
I guess my passion has given me a sort of blind faith in my own ideas.
I don't see the point in pressing my arguments incessantly, if I believe them, and they make sense to me, then I am - for the most part - satisfied.
However, it's when my own thoughts are undermined, and I feel forced to back up my passion with logic...
Well, that's when I come to a typical conclusion of "thinking is over-rated".
Self-condemned, my heart is going to rule my head.
Every time.
"now it feels like I'm losing my mind, I used to think all the time
now thinking hurts, and feeling is worse
I liked reality better when it was a dream" - Bayside
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