Sunday, January 1, 2012


I recently belittled the idea of New Year Resolutions in a Facebook status, saying that people never keep them.
Because I honestly think there is something stupid about making drastic changes for seemingly no reason except for the turn on the New Year. In reality, it's just another day.

For some people having resolutions are just a way of delaying something they don't really want to do. They'll make the resolutions so they feel better at the time, telling themselves they'll change soon. But when it comes to crunch time, I've heard very few stories of people completely sticking to resolutions and having their expected outcomes.

I guess there's something kind of symbolic about New Years Eve, the countdown to midnight. New year, new beginnings, that kind of sentimental psychobabble. Which is fine, I get that, if that's what works for you.
But if you really want to make a change, just do it. New days bring new beginnings too, not just years.

But I also have an issue with the whole 'changing' thing too.

I mean, sure, changing a few habits to be a little healthier, or picking up a new hobby, thats fine.
But people who want to make sweeping, drastic changes to their lives and essentially their personalities, are really only fooling themselves. Those kind of things don't happen overnight. And that's what the new year is - just another night.

I've always had a bit of a complex over two social pressures:
On the one hand, we're always told to be ourselves, stay true to what we belief in, don't change ourselves for anyone.
But then we're also hit with slogans like "Be the change you want to see", and the notion that by making a pact at the stroke of midnight, we can enhance our lives by changing the person we are.
Are you really changing as a person, or are you becoming somebody else entirely?
As someone who spends an excessive amount of time dwelling on existential crisis, I view it as an ill-fitting societal double-standard that is driving todays youth crazy with self-esteem and body image issues. Nobody likes mix signals.

Having said all that, I DO have one resolution: I'm going to start blogging a lot more. On a weekly, if not daily basis. So stick around for that.

"once upon a time
I used to romanticise,
used to be somebody, never mind
I don't miss it that much now" - Ever After, Marianas Trench

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