Monday, February 21, 2011


I hate to admit I'm a terribly indecisive person.
I can never seem to decide upon a place to eat on the first date, or which movie to rent from the store.
So you can imagine how much I must hate the actually important life decisions, right?

Because the worst part about the big decisions is that you're never really going to know if you made the right choice.
If he turns out to be allergic to seafood or lactose intolerant, or if you feel as though you wasted 2 hours of your life and would rather have stared at the wall, it's pretty obvious that you made a mistake.
And so what of it? You'll probably just take it in your stride, learn from it, and not make that same poor decision twice.

But the important, long-term decisions, they tend to affect your life in countless more ways.
And in the end, you're in the future, and when you look around you and realise what a fuck up it's become, all you can do it ask yourself "What if..?"
I can't necessarily blame my poverty or unemployment on a Bachelor of Arts, but I might look back and think, "Would I be in this position if I studied Law?"
But my gripe is that some decisions seem right.
Are there always alternatives? If not taking the right decisions automatically taking the wrong one?

Is inaction really so bad?
Sometimes you don't really know, and though I've always been an excited advocate for change, first-hand experience has taught me there are some heart-breaking changes that could and should be easily avoided.
Is it wrong to make a pre-emptive decision?
In essence, choose to not make a decision because you'd rather not figure out which one really is the right way.
Life seems to take control, and carry me forward. But sometimes it also seems to get in the way.
Pre-planned change, all rehearsed and orchestrated, somehow takes the back-seat to the unexpected, the unforeseen.

Or maybe I just can't practice what I preach.
A subtle, unconscious masochistic streak has allowed me to get far too comfortable in the rut.

Or, God forbid, maybe I'm just not ready.

"when mystery fades we identify the problems, but they may not be problems after all"
- On Love, On Life, Bayside

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